Ttoday, the Friday, the day of lab meeting and TA meeting, the day of joy in USA.
For me and People in India, today is Deepavali....
I started my day with sleeping. got up and called home, another home and my friend who changed my life 6 years ago....This friend sounded very sad, may be because of sleepiness, but could be due to what to happened to her life. Like many girls in rural India, she has aspirations and ambitions. But could not really make it. Marriage and unsupportive in-laws made it difficult to reach her ambitions. Yet she has that undying zeal for life, not found in many other rural Indian girls, to achieve many things in life. may be my writing skills are not effective in describing her and her motivation, but you got it. didn't you?
Healthcare Reputation Management: 7 Tricks to Do First
10 months ago
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