Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Wonderful Story

I came across this wonderful story of Vijay Rayapati, who is now an experienced (failed) entrepreneur at the age of 23. I felt really really happy to see somebody breaking the barrier of external forces (like parents, friends, hot careers) and pursuing his dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Although he failed to execute his dream properly, I believe he is a successful entrepreneur. I believe every one of us wants to do something before the external forces start overpowering our passion.

The questions is 'What it takes to pursue one's dream in the midst of all these external forces?'

OR as Vijay puts
How many of us can dare to change from what we are now to what we want to be?

I strongly recommend you to read the following blog post of his failed start-up story. Kudos to Vijay Rayapati.

Here is the link:


SNIGDHA said...

.bubbincredibly sensible!!!!!!!!!!